The Fairfield Parlour From Home to Home album is a continuation of the Kaleidoscope career, with the same lineup. The major difference is that the sound is less psychedelic and more folk-progressive oriented, with great use of acoustic guitar, flute and keyboards (especially the mellotron strings). There are some mellancholic songs and some more upbeat, but the overall song is lightweight
Aries, By Your Bedside, Soldier of The Flesh, I Will Always Feel The Same, Chalk on the Wall and Monkey are mellancholic songs, all of them are beautiful and Daltrey's voice fits perfectly the mellancholic songs, being one of the best voices of the progressive rock for mellow songs. The keyboards and occasional flutes are superb, mainly the mellotron strings.
In My Box, Free, Glorious House of Arthur are more upbeat and rock, with good guitar work. There are mellotron strings too in most of the songs.
The Highlights in my opinion are:
The best song in this album in my opinion is And Emily Brought Confetti, which is the longest song. Though it has not many variations, it has a beautiful acoustic guitar riff and great mellotron strings arrangement that really stands out. The song is melancholic and the vocals and the flute fit very well to the theme of the song.
Sunny Side Circus is a song with psychedelic reminiscences, shown in the structure of the song, the sound effects used (backward tapes for examples), the constant changes of rhythm totally unstructured. The song is very enjoyable though, being a psychedelic song as they usually used to do as Kaleidoscope with the Fairfield Parlour instrumentation.
Drummer Boy of Shiloh is a very beautiful and melancholic song, with great mellotron strings, acoustic and electric guitar riff, military-like drumming and very beautiful singing by Daltrey which is one of my favourite singers, having a distinctive voice It is not the traditional song from the 19th century, but its lyrics are certainly inspired on the traditional song.
Overall the album is very good and along with White Faced Lady the best of this short-lived band which could have been of of the finest progressive acts from the 70's. By Akin from progrock.
1. Aries
2. In My Box
3. By Your Bedside
4. Soldier Of The Flesh
5. I Will Always Feel The Same
6. Free
7. Emily
8. Chalk On The Wall
9. Glorious House Of Arthur
10. Monkey
11. Sunny Side Circus
12. Drummer Boy Of Shiloh
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