Originally known as The Prophets, with a singer called Judy Bradbury, this band were originally from Wellsley, Massachusettes but based themselves in Boston. Clearly, a hippie as opposed to a punk band.Following Capitol Record's decision not to sign the band, Ill Wind was put in contact with producer Tom Wilson through the New York office of William Morris Agency. Wilson was riding high, having produced hit records for Simon and Garfunkle, Bob Dylan, the Animals, the Mothers of Invention and others, and he had just established his own independent production company Rasputin. He had signed a stable of acts and had licensing agreements for release through several labels. Ill Wind's album was to be released on ABC Records.
The album was recorded at Mayfair Studios in New York, during four weeks in February and early March, 1968 using a one-inch 8-track machine. A total of eleven tracks were recorded, of which nine were selected for inclusion on the album. The session engineer was Harry Yarmark and the remix engineer was Gary Kellgren. None of the band members were permitted in the mixing sessions. The album was released in June, 1968 with an initial pressing of 10,000 copies. These were all defective, having a repeated section during High Flying Bird as well as a back cover that was printed so dark as to be illegible. A second pressing of 2,500 copies corrected both faults.
01 Walkin' and Singin'
02 Sleep
03 Little Man
04 Dark World
05 L.A.P.D.
06 High Flying Bird
07 Hung Up Chick
08 People of the Night
09 Full Cycle
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