This is Blackshaw's first real CD release and contains two new pieces. Blackshaw comes from the Robbie Basho school of raga-infused acoustic explorations. The peaks and valleys on Sunshrine form an impressive mountain of folk meanderings. Sunshrine eases you into its gaze before beginning a full-on assault on all your senses. It is aural magic. Along with the 26 minute title track is the short and reflective "Skylark Herald's Dawn." Blackshaw brings you back to earth slowly, allowing you to catch your breath before closing your eyes. It doesn't get much better than this. The follow-up to Blackshaw's debut recording, Celeste, on Campbell Knealeıs Celebrate Psi Phenomenon imprint, is an absolute beauty: an
out-of-nowhere set of solo thought scored for open-tuned 12-string
guitar, harmonium, radio, bells, ride cymbal and floor tom. Lost Prayers And Motionless Dances navigates the void in a fug of Celtic-sounding modes and fistfuls of drone in a way that recalls Volume 1 of Robbie
Bashoıs masterful The Falconerıs Arm. Wire that with electricity, patch it to the moon and strap on a set of goggles for one of the most
satisfyingly psychedelic conceptions recently beamed from the brains of a loner.
More on Blackshaw and how to obtain his music, HERE.
01. Sunshrine
02. Skylar'k Herald's Dawn
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