The album and 12" are real classics, since it can only be estimated how many copies were made and how many are still existing (generally, first releases for albums from independent artists who paid the costs on their own were made in a quantity of 300-500 pcs and 500-1,000 pcs for singles). Unfortunately, the studio in which the tracks were recorded had closed a long time ago, and it´s unknown where the records were pressed.
New Scientists were a trio located in Wolfsburg (Germany), consisting of Lutz Froberg (voc), Rene Bachmann (synth) and Uwe Kallenbach (synth). 'Pictures Of Reality' was recorded in the Delight-Tonstudio, Hannover on the 3/4 of January 1986.
This album is basically featuring Synthpop similar to other German artists like Boytronic, nothing too special but far away of being bad.
Although the single 'The Storm' had radio airplay during a popular weekend party broadcast (on NDR2, 'Der Club'), the people weren´t too eager to head for the record stores the following Monday. Hard to understand, as this track was the strongest outtake from this album and doesn´t had to hide behind other artists which were unequally more successful.
And so, the career of a young band ended before it had really begun, and the New Scientists went into oblivion.
Today, Uwe Kallenbach is a member of Syntec, another Synthpop band, and Lutz Froberg is the co-owner of a store for DJ and stage supplies. The whereabouts of Rene Bachmann are unknown.
It´s almost impossible to find this rarity today. Nonetheless, whenever the occasion occurs, take the chance and get it!
01. What Will The Future Bring
02. Tell Me When Your Heart Beats
03. The Storm
04. South Africa
05. Shame On You
06. Atomic War
07. Why Don´t You Stay
08. Watch Out
09. I Miss You
10. The Storm 12" mix
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