Claus Clement Pedersen, aka Tømrerclaus, decided to do something different to the usual rock guitarist routine and moved to Christiania (in Copenhagen) in 1975. This was a largely self-governed area that, since the late sixties, has been a refuge for hippies, artists and various freaks. The result was a privately recorded and released album and two cassettes, ‘Snydt’ (1977) and ‘Hepar’ (1978). All of them contained hilarious tracks based on demented fuzz guitar and even some on fuzz cello (the album contained the best material though)! The only comparisons might be Oliver's album ‘Standing Stone’, a British private release, or a brain damaged, one-man-band version of the Jimi Hendrix Experience. All lyrics were in Danish. Great fun and completely unpretentious! Here's a nice interview with Tomrerclaus.
1 Sorte mand
2 Når spindelvævene blomstrer
3 Forvalterdrengen 3.19
4 Prisen for at ryge cigar
5 Cellokarma
6 Kanibalerne kommer
7 En dag da jeg lå i luften
8 Mr. Fantastic
9 Dauu
10 Sådan er den altid
11 Koda er nedtur
12 Jeg vil gerne standses
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