My first contact to Omega was on a sampler including an edited version of the title track of this LP and i was amazed about the music, the sound and off course that voice, so strong, so clear! So some weeks later, i bought the LP on my local record shop and what should i say, it plays on and on for weeks. All of the 5 tracks have their highlights, the title track, as Peto wrote before, sounds really majestic, Invitation is a real rocker with little chart success in Germany (just try to listen it with phones, especially the closing section!). Side 2 on the LP starts with Don't Keep Me Waitin, a smooth and dark ballade, An Accountant's Dream is another rocker, not as hard as Invitation, but it's okay. Finally that takes me to Late Night Show, next to Time Robber the absolute highlight on this album. The first 3+ minutes it's a hard and powerful ballade, but the best part of the song is the closing section, after a short brake with a beautiful guitar sequence (the ringtone on my cellular) the song ends with a very moody melody within a female voice and a lot of fascinating keyboards, really great! By Abominog
01. House of Cards Pt 1
02. Time Robber
03. House of Cards Pt II
04. Invitation
05. Don't Keep Me Waitin'
06. An Accountants Dream
07. Late Night Show
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